Summer Term 2023
If you would like to contact Mr Curwen directly, please use the class email address.
The final term has arrived! We are very much looking forward to a very exciting term! As we start the new term there are a few details and arrangements we would like to make you aware of.
Topics we will be learning about this term include:
- English: Macbeth
- RE: Ideas about God
- Key Stage Two Production – Joseph
PE: Our PE time continue to be Tuesdays and Thursdays. The system of wearing their PE kit on these days works very well.
Forest School: I will send a text message to remind children/parents the day before to let you know we are attending. I aim to ensure that we visit Forest School more often this term, as other demands have meant that until now this has been difficult. However, Forest School remains a real Oak Class focus and priority.
Homework: Homework will return to the usual routine for Year 6 after the SATs have been completed but remain the same for Year 5 children. – Given on a Friday and handed in on a Wednesday. The ‘Homework Menu’ will continue to be the way homework is given and chosen. Children can also complete their homework online.
SATs: As you are aware the Year 6 children in Class Oak will be taking their Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) beginning 8th May. They have been working hard in preparation for these tests and we are now entering the final weeks of revision. A separate letter will be coming home to give specific details.
Water Bottles: As we are approaching the summer months, it is very important that your child has a filled water bottle in school each day.
As year 6 and I enter our final term I hope it will be one to remember for all the right reasons. They have made a great start and I hope this will continue.
Yours sincerely
Mr M Curwen, Mrs West and Miss Coultas