Class Willow

Summer Term 2023

If you would like to contact Mr Wood directly, please use the class email address.

Welcome back! I hope you’ve had a lovely Easter break. We have made a very positive start to the new term in class. Everyone has settled quickly back into routine.

New adults in class ~ We warmly welcome Miss. Fitzmaurice and Mr. Saban into class. Miss. Fitzmaurice will be joining us all-day Wednesdays and Thursday mornings and Mr. Saban will be teaching the children on Friday afternoons. The children have greeted them both with very big smiles!  We also welcome Mr. Coultas back into class and he will be supporting individual children during the afternoons.

Class trip ~ I am in the process of finalising details of our class trip to Kirkby Lonsdale. It will take place on Tuesday 6th June – the first day back after half term holidays so please make a note of this in your diary. I will send out a letter with more detail soon.

PE ~ Class 4’s PE continues to be taught on both Mondays (swimming) and Fridays. Please ensure children come to school dressed ready for PE and wear their kits throughout the day. As well as their usual kit (plain house-coloured t-shirt, plain shorts, and trainers) it would be advisable for children to come with a pair of plain tracksuit bottoms over their shorts (preferably grey, black, or green). Please ensure they are wearing their school jumper as normal.  If children are unable to remove their own earrings, please take them out before school; children will not be allowed to participate in any P.E. practical if they are wearing earrings, including swimming lessons.

Lost property – We have a growing pile of lost property in class. Please feel free to come and have a rummage through it to locate your child’s misplaced items. Any unclaimed items will be open for anyone to take from Thursday, and on Friday I will be throwing any remaining items away.  

Homework ~






Daily Reading Children are expected to read at home each night. Also, there will be time available in school for the children to read independently as well as to an adult.

Homework this term will continue on Google Classroom that may be completed over this term. This will allow you to organise how and when each task can be completed. I ask that one piece of homework be completed by Thursday each week.


Reading ~ I would like to continue to emphasise the importance of daily reading to encourage reading for pleasure, children are able to change their reading books as often as they are completed and are given the opportunity to change their book every day if needed. Therefore, I would ask you to make a note in your child’s reading record of any reading completed at home. For any completed and returned book, your child earns extra house points.

Finally, if you would like to discuss any concerns, please pop in at the end of the school day (I cannot always make myself available at the start of the day) or alternatively make a formal appointment through the school office. If you would like to be a part of our classroom learning, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

With kind regards and thanks for your continued support,

Mr. Wood and Mrs. Gudgeon