At Overton St Helen’s we have high expectations of every child and encourage them to work hard, to love learning and to be emotionally engaged with the world around them. We teach a creative, inclusive and engaging curriculum which enables all children to do this.
Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are highly valued and respected at Overton St Helen’s and are supported by dedicated, skilled and motivated teachers and support staff. The whole school works hard to ensure that children’s individual barriers to learning are identified, addressed and monitored so that every child makes progress both academically and emotionally.
Sarah Capstick is our SEND Co-ordinator and organises regular reviews with parents to review provision for the children.
SEN Policy
SEND Information Report
The Inclusion Service
Lancashire’s Inclusion Service (previously the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or SEND Service) advises and supports parents, carers, families, and professionals with the additional needs of children and young people.
Lancashire’s ‘Local Offer’ provides all kinds of information to families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Please follow the link below to view the Local Offer and access other information regarding the Inclusion Service.