Foundation Subjects

In addition to the core areas of English, Maths, Science and RE, our curriculum has a variety of other subjects called Foundation Subjects.  These are: Art & Design, Computing, Design & Technology, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages (French – KS2 only), Music and Physical Education.  They contribute to the breadth of the national curriculum and the wide variety of experiences that our children learn from.

Our curriculum is designed to be as relevant as possible to the lives of our pupils and so running through many of our subjects are local references to people and places.  For example, in our History curriculum we learn about local figures who have influenced society over the years, or in our Design and Technology lessons, we make healthy sandwiches from seasonal produce grow locally.  We get out and about in our locality as much as possible in order to make  links to the children’s learning that will have a lasting effect in their acquiring of knowledge.

Below are links to each subject’s policy and key learning documents, plotting out the knowledge and skills that are carefully built upon in the six year journey through the Key Stage One and Two National Curriculum. 

Art Policy                                                  Key Learning in Art 

We use ‘Access Art’ to support our planning, teaching and learning in this subject.

Computing Policy                                Key Learning in Computing 

We have recently adopted the ‘Teach Computing’ scheme in order to ensure a broad range of computing knowledge is taught from Year 1 – Year 6

Design and Technology Policy      Key Learning in Design and Technology

Geography Policy                                 Key Learning in Geography 

History Policy                                         Key Learning in History

MFL: French Policy                                       

French is our chosen modern foreign language and is taught in KS2 only.  We use the ‘Salut’ scheme to help us plan for this subject.

Music Policy                                             Key learning in Music

The Lancashire Music Hub’s Charanga resource is used in school to support the teaching of music.

Physical Education Policy                               PE Progression Overview 

PE Kit Policy

At Overton we use Lancashire’s PE Passport to plan, teach and assess our pupil’s development in Physical Education. Click here to see the statement of Intent for the Lancashire scheme.