Remote Education – There is currently no requirement to use or Remote Education provision. Should should this change school will be in contact.
As children are in school full time, there is no need to access Remote Education. However, this will be our primary communication in the event of class isolation or a lockdown.
As from September 2020 we are providing ‘Remote Education’ for those children who need to be away from school due to Covid-19. Please read the below information that will support you if this becomes necessary.
Here is a copy of the letter sent home on Tuesday 5th January explaining all you need to know.
Lockdown Letter – Remote Education
Remote Education Plan – This explains the various situations that may arise and how we will respond.
Google Classroom – Logging On– This explains how to access Google Classroom so ‘Remote Education’ can take place.
NEW – Information For Parents and Carers – Lockdown 2021
Contacting Class Teachers
If you need any support with remote education then you are able to email the class teacher. All class email addresses follow the same format.
(class name)
So for example – Class Maple email is –
Your child’s teacher will then reply as soon as possible to help support the remote learning.
Home Learning – The’ Home Learning’ resources provided during and before the summer holidays can be found below – Please use them if you wish. However please be aware that as from September 2020, if your child is away from school, they may need to access ‘Remote Education.’ Please read the information above for details.
Here are a couple of links to resources we think you will find useful over the summer. Please feel free to use them if you wish.
Happy Holidays!!
On this page you will find useful links and information to support your child at home in this time of ‘Home Learning.’
Don’t forget if you have any specific questions you can contact your child’s class teacher on the new class emails.
Home Learning letter to Parents 20.3.20
Useful Links:
These two website offer further opportunities for Home Learning. Please use to support your child at home. There is no expectation from school if or how often they are used.
The National Academy
BBC Bitesize
EYFS – Home/School Learning Opportunities to Promote Communication and Language
Here are the Maths Summary Sheets for the four mathematical operations.
Subtraction Calculation Summary
Multiplication Calculation Summary
We have added some new resources to help support you with ‘Home Learning’ . These resources are split into the following ages:
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS – Class Maple)
Key Stage 1 (KS1 – Class Holly and Elm)
Lower Key Stage Two (LKS2 – Classes Willow and Beech Yr4s)
Upper Key Stage Two (UKS2 – Classes Beech Yr5s and Oak)
However, these are only suggestions and feel free to use the resources that most suit and interest your child/ren. The resources are split into weeks and we will add new resources regularly.
Week 1
EYFS and KS1 Ideas 1 – Rainbow Fish
LKS2 Ideas 1 – The Leprechaun’s Gold
UKS2 Ideas 1 – How Rainbows are Formed
Week 1 – Resources
Week 2
EYFS / KS1 Ideas 2 – Easter Traditions
UKS2 Ideas 2 – Easter Traditions
Week 3
LKS2 – Amazing Authors – Ahlbergs
Upper KS2 Theme Amazing Authors
Week 4
(Please note that when you open the resources they will say ‘Week 3’ . This is not a mistake just a difference in writing and publication timings)
Please also note that work is now in year groups. However, feel free to choose work that suits and interests your child. You don’t need to stick to the year group!
Year 5 Danny the Champion of the World
Week 5
(Please note that when you open the resources they will say ‘Week 4’ . This is not a mistake just a difference in writing and publication timings)
Week 6
(Please note that when you open the resources they will say ‘Week 5’ . This is not a mistake just a difference in writing and publication timings)
Year 6 Climate Change (Part 1)
Week 7
(Please note that when you open the resources they will say ‘Week 6’ . This is not a mistake just a difference in writing and publication timings)
Year 4 The World of David Walliams
Year 6 Climate Change (Part 2)
Week 8
(Please note that when you open the resources they will say ‘Week 7’ . This is not a mistake just a difference in writing and publication timings)
Year 2 Be Happy! Be Brave! Be Kind!
Year 5 and 6 Hygiene Health and Heroes
Week 9
(Please note that when you open the resources they will say ‘Week 8’ . This is not a mistake just a difference in writing and publication timings)
Year 6 Explorers and Adventurers
Week 10
(Please note that when you open the resources they will say ‘Week 9’ . This is not a mistake just a difference in writing and publication timings)
Year 6 Explorers and Adventurers
Week 11
(Please note that when you open the resources they will say ‘Week 10’ . This is not a mistake just a difference in writing and publication timings)
Year 2 Please look After This Bear
NEW! Week 12
(Please note that when you open the resources they will say ‘Week 11’ . This is not a mistake just a difference in writing and publication timings)
If you have any questions please do email your teacher.