Pupil Premium

Overton St Helen’s, in common with all other schools, receives its funding from the Government via Lancashire Local Authority.

One element of this funding is called the PUPIL PREMIUM.  The amount of this additional funding varies from school to school and is dependent on three factors; the number of children who are in the care of the local authority, the number who have an entitlement to a free school meal and the number who have a parent(s) in the armed forces.

Our Pupil Premium Grant is spent directly to benefit those children whom it supports. This can include:

  • Providing small group work with an experienced teaching assistant, focussed on overcoming gaps in learning, nurture support or simply time to reflect.
  • 1:1 support in class.
  • Acquiring effective materials aimed at raising standards, particularly in reading and mathematics.
  • Additional teaching and learning opportunities outside the classroom such as funding for school trips and residential visits.

We would also consider using the Pupil Premium Grant to aid in the financial cost of extra-curricular activities such as music tuition and after school clubs, to further promote social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.  The school would work closely with parents to ensure that this would directly benefit the individual child.

All our work through pupil premium will be aimed at strengthening emotional well being and accelerating progress, moving children to at least age related expectations.

Our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement