Class Beech

Summer Term 2023

If you would like to contact Mrs Harding directly, please use the class email address.

Welcome back to the Summer Term! I hope that all of our children and families have had a wonderful Easter holiday and a well-earned rest. The children in Beech Class have certainly made a very positive return to school after the break.

Over the course of the Summer Term, Beech Class’ main ‘Topic’ will focus on Victorian Railways in Morecambe. This will bring together skills and knowledge within our History and Geography Curriculum. Also, this topic will be interlinked throughout our curriculum and we will take opportunities to explore the subjects through English, Art and other lessons. In Science we are going to explore ‘Materials and their properties’, followed by ‘Earth and Space’ and in RE we will be looking at ‘How and why Christians read the Bible’. Our French topic will be ‘Sports’.

PE: Beech Class PE sessions will continue to be on a Monday and Friday. Therefore, the children will need to come to school in their PE kits on those days! Once again, I need to remind you that PE kit is part of school uniform. Therefore, children should wear their house colour T-Shirt, school jumper and dark, plain shorts or joggers with sensible trainers. No football kits or clothes with large logos or bright colours. We aim to do as much PE as possible outside, so please check the weather forecast. I am hoping for the need of sun cream and sunhats, but it is more likely that rain coats will be needed

Homework: The new ‘Homework Menu’ is attached to this letter so that children can get back into the pattern of submitting a new piece of work each week on a Wednesday. As usual, this can be handed in physically in the red folder, or turned in online using Google Classroom. The children do know how to access this from home, no matter what they tell you and if a device is not available then a paper submission is expected each week.

There are lots of exciting things to look forward to this term such as Sports Day, class trips and other sporting events. We really hope that your child continues to engage with the expectations of effort and behaviour in Beech Class and that they have a wonderful Summer Term.

Thank you very much for your continued support. If you ever need to speak to me or have any questions – the end of the school day is the best time to have a chat or I am contactable via phone or email.

Many thanks,

Mrs Harding, Mrs Illingworth and Mrs Pickup