The governors of Overton St Helen’s are committed to upholding the Christian Vision of the school and ensuring the safety of its pupils. They work in close partnership with the head teacher, staff, diocese and local authority. Whilst the head teacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school, the school governors aid her in setting strategic directions on such things as staffing, curriculum development, school buildings, health and safety and finance.

Chair of Governors

Mr Tim Wingate

Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs Kelly Dunford

Head Teacher (ex-officio)

Mrs Joanne Easthope: 1.9.16 – onwards

Foundation Governors

Mr Tim Wingate: 17.10.20 – 16.10.24

Mr David Birkett: 17.1.25 - 16.1.29

Mr Andy Korab: 1.10.23 – 30.9.27

Mrs Joyce Jenkinson: 8.3.22 – 7.3.26

Mrs Joyce Walker: 8.3.22 – 7.3.26

Miss Gemma McMurray: 1.10.24 – 30.9.28

St Helen’s Church Minister (ex officio)


Elected Parent Governors

Mrs Kelly Dunford: 18.10.21 – 17.10.25

Mr Mike Aldren: 18.10.21 – 17.10.25

Elected Staff Governor

Helen Marsland: 1.9.23 – 31.8.27

LEA Representative

Mr Paul James: 18.11.24 – 17.11.28

Associate Governors

Mrs Emma Ingham (DHT): 13.11.23 – 12.11.27

Mrs Debbie West: 29.2.24 – 28.2.28