English, Mathematics and Science are the core subjects of the National Curriculum. As a Church of England Primary School we also consider Religious Education to be a fourth core subject in school. Core Subjects are the essentials of learning and are considered to be at the centre of the curriculum; typically, more teaching and learning time is dedicated to these subjects.

St Helens Primary 421

Our pupils experience daily English and Maths lessons, working on fundamental, basic skills that allow them to access a wealth of learning in other areas of the curriculum. We also ensure pupils receive weekly Science and RE lessons as part of their regular diet of learning. Key knowledge and concepts are carefully built upon from the very foundations of the curriculum in EYFS, to Year 6 where pupils bring together everything they have learnt in their seven-year primary school journey to prepare for their next steps into secondary education.

At Overton St Helen’s, we use CLPE’s Power of Reading teaching sequences to support our English provision, selecting a balance of modern and classic children’s literature to contextualise our pupil’s learning.

For Mathematics, we have adopting the White Rose Mathematics Scheme which teachers use to plan units of work throughout school.

boy and girl reading

For Science, ‘PLAN Primary Science’ detailed medium term plans form the basis of our planning and these are then adapted by our teachers to incorporate various creative contexts.

The Blackburn Diocese ‘Questful RE’ syllabus is used to support teaching and learning in Religious Education.

Please follow the links below to view our Core Subject Policies.