Year 4/5 - Beech Class
Mr Saban
Our pupils continue their journey through Key Stage Two, moving in to Beech Class. This class comprises of Year 4s and Year 5s – about two thirds of each year group. Learning in all subjects continues in the same way with pupils gaining a further degree of independence in their work.
Mr Saban leads the learning in Beech Class, nurturing the important values that help our pupils become reflective, respectful young people. Although the pace of learn again steps up as our pupils get older, learning is still as fun and active as possible.
Again, as our pupils become older and more responsible, we ask more of them. In Beech Class, our Year 5’s have the opportunity to become Play Leaders, where they can volunteer for formal training to lead games and playtime activities for our younger pupils.
We find opportunities to bring the whole year group together and so each year, we organise a trip to London to tour The Houses of Parliament and see the sights of the city for all our Year 5s. It is always a very exciting day and one which our pupils look forward.

Mr Neil Saban
I began teaching twenty years ago and since that time I have worked in several schools across England in all primary years from Reception to Year Six. I started teaching at Overton at the end of March 2023 when I took up the role of a part time PPA teacher in Elm, Beech and Oak Classes. In September 2023 I began teaching in Beech Class full time working with Year 4 and 5 children. This is a role that I very much enjoy because the curriculum is interesting and the mix in ages gives a wonderful class dynamic, it makes the job very rewarding. Overton is a wonderful school to work in and I feel very privileged to be a member of such a lovely school community.In addition to being a class teacher I am also the subject leader for History and Geography, and these ...
When I am not at school I love spending time with my family, walking my two dogs Buddy and Teddy and I can always be found at the football supporting my local team Morecambe FC.