The government is providing extra funding to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools.
Schools are allocated a £16000, plus £5 per pupil on roll to support all children and improve the quantity, quality and breadth of PE and sport provision. This funding is only to be spent on provision of PE and sport in school.
The school must decide how best to use the money to improve the breadth and quality of the PE and sport provision, including increased participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach performance levels they are capable of.
At Overton St Helen’s C. E. Primary School we have decided to use this money to:
Employ specialist/qualified coaches to work alongside teachers in PE lessons to increase their subject knowledge.
Buy into the Heysham Sports Partnership and Lancaster Sports Network
Procure quality-assured professional training for staff to raise their confidence and competence in teaching PE and Sport.
Forge links with PE teachers in local secondary schools to help teachers improve their PE and the sports provision in school.
To replenish and add to equipment available to teach high quality PE lessons within curriculum time.
To buy in professional teachers/coaches in order to extend the range of extra-curricular sports clubs available to children. For example – Morecambe Football Club
To provide opportunities of offsite Outdoor Education.
To allow teaching staff to attend CPD training
To provide cycling intervention groups through 'Go Velo'
To provide EYFS children with the opportunity to develop their cycling skills
Impact Measures:
An increase in the number of pupils taking part in after school sport
The increase in participation rates in such activities as games, dance and gymnastics
The increase and success in competitive school sports
An increase in a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle
Development of a fully inclusive PE curriculum
The growth in the range of traditional and alternative sporting activities
The improvement in partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners
Aim to maintain the 'Gold' standard achieved through the school games kite mark
- Evidencing the impact of Primary PE and the Sports Premium (link needed here for sport premium PDF document)