
Beech Class - Spring Newsletter.

Welcome back to School for this busy and exciting Spring Term in Beech Class. In this newsletter we will explain what we will be studying over the coming weeks. Below is a table of the topic areas we will be covering.

Spring Term 1




Ancient Greece

What impact has Ancient Greece had on the modern world.


We are Musicians

Exploring Technology and Music.



Design Technology

Electrical Systems


Comparing a region of the United Kingdom with a region of North America.

Alaska and Lancashire


Managing Emotions

How we make friends, keep friends and regulate our behaviours.


Exploring Patterns

Using different artistic methods and tools.

Religious Education

David and the Psalms

Which values are important to us?

In Maths we will using the White Rose Scheme of Work and focusing on the key areas of Fractions, Decimals, Division and Multiplication. These are all key skills and will enhance the areas we have covered already this academic year.

In addition to this will be completing weekly arithmetic challenges and looking at techniques we can use to improve our mental calculations for both or daily lessons and our weekly division tests.

In English this term we are studying the genre of Science Fiction. Our class book is Spaceboy by David Walliams and we are also looking at a range of space related poetry. Our aim is to use our writing to create mysterious and interesting settings for our stories and to write about a meeting with an alien. We are still practising our weekly spellings and a list of words has been sent home to every child.


Homework will be given out on a Thursday and will be expected in by the following Thursday. It will consolidate main skills in English and Maths and will give the children extra chance to practise these skills. In addition to this there will be weekly spellings and the children will be expected to read as often as they can at home.

In Beech Class we are having our PE Lessons on Monday and Thursday. We will be indoors for both this term studying dance and gymnastics. School t-shirts or jumpers should be worn as part of their kit and ideally shorts or tracksuit bottoms with appropriate trainers.

As you can see the children have got lots lined up this term and I am sure that they will w continue to work as hard as they did in the Autumn Term. Thank you for your continued support and if you need any assistance I will endeavor to solve any problems. You can contact me on the class email below or via the school office.

Your Sincerely

Mr Saban