
Maple Class Spring Term News Letter 2025

Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a relaxing Christmas break. During the Autumn term the children settled into school well, getting to know class routines and each other! Over the next term we will continue to support the children in building relationships with their classmates and have lots of fun learning new skills.

We will very much be using the interests of the children in developing our curriculum. Our broad theme for the 1st Half Term will be “superheroes” and for the 2nd Half term will be, “Animals”. Our selection of Beloved Books will also reflect these themes. Within these broad themes, we will be developing and enhancing the learning environment based on the children’s interests and their stage of development. We will do this through careful observation of the children and meaningful interactions with the children, both of which are designed to move the children on in their learning and development.

Our beloved books – Superheroes

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Our beloved books – Animals

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How you can help and home!

Please click here for further information detailing how you can support your child in their development through the 3 Prime and 4 Specific areas of learning within the EYFS over the coming months.

But please do continue to:-

- read to and with your child as much as possible!

- practice the new sounds and tricky words as we learn them.

- practice reading numbers and counting objects, recognising groups of objects without counting (subitising)

- look at the homework challenge folder and choose an activity to complete each week.

- keep sharing any magic moments you have with your child out of school!

Book bags and Home Reading books

Please ensure book bags (with books and phonics sounds!) are brought into school every day. We will endeavour to hear every child read at least once during the week. We have already begun to send home books that the children can attempt to read themselves. Please continue to share these books together, discussing what is happening in the story and predicting what will happen next as well as practicing your child’s word decoding skills. We will continue to send home letter sounds and key words for your child to practise at home. Please remember to let us know, via your child’s reading record, if you have read at home with your child and they are ready for a new book on book changing days. Your child’s reading book will be changed on Monday and Thursday each week.

Homework folder

Homework will consist of a half termly challenge sheet where the children can choose an activity to complete each week. The activities will be linked to our learning in class and will give the children the opportunity to practice the knowledge and skills they are developing in school. Homework folders will be collected in on Wednesday each week and sent out again on Friday.

PE Kits

Please ensure your child’s PE Kit is in school. Our PE session is on a Monday morning. Please ensure earrings are removed ready for our PE session and all long hair is tied back.

Forest schools, outdoor play and our muddy kitchen

We will continue to use our outdoor classroom and visit forest school whatever the weather. If you took your child’s forest school kit home over the Christmas holidays, please can you return it to school as soon as possible. Our Forest Schools session will take place on a Thursday morning and as the weather is cold at the moment you may want to include an extra jumper or fleece jacket to go under their waterproof coat.

Water bottles & Fruit Snack

Please provide your child with a named water bottle that they will need to bring to school every day. Please can we ask that you send water or well diluted, sugar free juice to school.

A fruit snack is provided by school every day, but we do not have control over what fruit is delivered. So, if you would like you can send a fruit snack into school with your child, in case they do not like the choice of fruit that day.

Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to working with you over the coming months to support and encourage your children in their learning journey.


Mrs Marsland