
Willow Autumn 2024 Class Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Firstly, a very big welcome to Class Willow! The children have made a brilliant start to the year. A few were apprehensive about starting a new class at the beginning of the term, but everyone has settled in quickly. So, a big ‘well done’ to the children for making such a positive start, and a large thank you to you for supporting them.

I hope you’ve enjoyed a restful summer break and are looking forward to the exciting year ahead. I would like to take this opportunity to share a few pieces of information that you may find useful. 


Attached to this letter is a list of all the words the children need to know by the end of Year 4. I have also included the Year 1 and 2 words, and the children will practise any words they are still insecure with. These words will be part of our daily routine. Daily practice at home alongside reading will go a long way to developing their confidence in this area.


Willow’s PE days are Thursday and Friday. Your child should come to school already dressed in a plain house-coloured t-shirt, a pair of plain shorts, and plain tracksuit bottoms if the weather is cold (preferably grey, black, or green). They should also wear their school jumper and a pair of outdoor trainers. Please ensure all items are named. If you have any questions regarding PE or swimming, please feel free to chat with me.

Forest School

I will always send a text the night before we are due to go to Forest School. Please ensure that your child has suitable clothing and a change of footwear for the session. Waterproof trousers are recommended, and a waterproof jacket is compulsory to keep under-layers dry and clean (even when it’s not raining). 







Children are expected to read at home each night. It is important to develop their English skills overall, but it also develops their reasoning and critical thinking.

Ideally daily


(Basic number facts and multiplication facts)

All children should have the password to Numbots and Times Table Rock Stars on their Reading Records. Daily practice on these websites will go a long way to helping them progress mathematically. Also, ‘One Minute Maths’ can be downloaded free on a tablet or smartphone. It’s an app created by Whiterose Maths – the creators of the scheme we follow in school.


I’d like to emphasise the importance of daily reading to encourage reading for pleasure. Children are able to change their reading books as often as they complete them, with the opportunity to switch books daily if needed. Please make a note of any reading completed in your child’s reading record, and notify us when your child has finished a book.

Finally, if you would like to discuss any concerns about your child’s progress, please feel free to pop in at the end of the school day, or alternatively, make a formal appointment through the school office. If you would like to be involved in our classroom learning, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.