Elm Class Spring Term Newsletter 2025
Happy New Year to all of our Elm families. We hope 2025 is going to be a great year for us all!
The children have settled back into school life brilliantly and are enthusiastic for everything were learning about. Because of their superb attitudes and willingness to learn, we have lots of exciting things planned for the Spring term!
English | Story writing: Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram; Fairy tales with a twist. Grammar: Commas for writing lists. No nonsense Spellings: contractions (can’t, didn’t, hasn’t), endings (ing, ed, er, est, y), possessive apostrophes, suffixes (ful, less, ly) |
Maths | Multiplication and division Properties of shapes Fractions Times tables (2s, 5s, 10s) Counting in 3s |
Science | Uses of everyday materials Plants and seasonal change |
RE | Jesus: Why did Jesus welcome everybody? Easter Celebrations around the World |
Geography | Countries of the UK |
DT | Textiles: sewing |
Music | Lancaster Music Festival – more details to follow |
PE | Throwing and Catching Games Dance |
Computing | Programming |
PSHE | Kids Safe |
Book Bags and Home Reading
Please ensure book bags are brought into school every day. This term books will be changed on a Tuesday morning when comments have been written in the home-school diary. They will receive two books and the main focus is on comprehension and understanding. As the length and complexity of books increases, it may be that your child takes longer than a week to complete the book. It is still essential that, as your child’s fluency and stamina increase, you continue to discuss with your child what is happening in the story, predict what will happen next, check understanding of new vocabulary and ask questions about the text. Also, in Year 2 it is common for children to start reading their own chapter books. Please record other books your child is reading in the home-school diary so we can talk about those books too and if possible allow them to carry these books in their school bags. We are also fortunate to have a number of volunteers coming into school to hear readers and they can hear your child read their school reading book or the book they have personally selected.
Common exception words; times tables and Homework
Please continue to look at the Common exception words for Year 1 and Year 2 which were sent out in September. Some weeks we specifically learn new words but, on the weeks when this isn’t a focus, then perhaps you could have a ‘word of the week’ which you know your child needs to learn to spell.
Times tables – we are focusing on rote recall – One 2 is 2, two 2s are 4, three 2s are 6…
Homework – The Homework menu has been sent home today. Please continue to send homework back in homework folders, or emailed images so that we can share them in class. The ideas sent home give you some ideas of how you can extend your child’s learning at home.
Sometimes extra pieces of homework will be sent home for specific children or for everyone in the class to practise a specific skill. These will be put in your child’s book bag so please look out for them on the specified date which I will write on the homework.
Our Class Novel
This term we are taking part in Lancashire’s Brilliant Book Awards. There are four texts which the Library Service have chosen. We will be sharing the texts, discussing our favourite parts, listening out for interesting vocabulary and finally voting on our favourite texts. We will also be reading other novels linked to our English Units on traditional tales with a twist and fantasy fiction.
PE Kits
Our PE sessions are now on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their school PE kit (dark leggings or tracksuit bottoms, PE t-shirt and school jumper or dark hoodie). Also make sure earrings are removed (ideally) or taped ready for our PE sessions and all long hair is tied back.
Forest School
When the weather starts to improve, our Forest School session will be on a Friday. A text will be sent out the day before a Forest School session as it is essential all children have a kit to wear- all children will join in each session as it isn’t possible to accommodate them within another class. For Forest School sessions your child will need wellies, waterproof trousers and a waterproof jacket. Forest School kit unfortunately can’t be stored at school and needs to be brought in for each session.