Overton St Helen’s Primary School family news: Issue 8
When I made the comment in worship this morning, that this week seems to have gone very fast, the reasons the children gave me were because we have been ‘busy and having fun’. I’m pleased that has been the case this week and it definitely appeared so as Key Stage 2 shared examples of their hard work from their History and English lessons. It’s great to see the fabulous learning that takes place in school. This week, our breakfast club ‘customers’ enjoyed the first week of their themed breakfasts, with some of the biggest fruit kebabs I have ever seen on Tutti-Frutti Tuesday! Remember you can book on to our breakfast club any day of the week via the ParentPay app, by 4pm the day before.
We start the week next Monday with a special Remembrance Worship in school—poppies are still on offer for a small amount in the entrance porch if you wish to purchase one.
Next Thursday at 1.30pm - 2.30pm, our mental health practi-tioners will be running a workshop on Sensory Processing and Emotional Regulation. If your child struggles with this, then this is definitely a must for you. You will gain a valuable in-sight into how you can support your child and talk about any issues you are facing at home, so please do come and join us.
Next Friday (15th Nov), it’s Children in Need and our School Council have come up with a plan to raise money for this truly amazing cause. So, on Friday all pupils are welcome to come in to school in non-uniform with a spotty theme, for a minimum donation of £1. Of course, if you wish to donate more, then thank you very much in ad-vance. Come in sensible footwear too, as we will be com-pleting a ‘mile’ challenge around our track.
At the beginning of the week on Monday, pupils can also enter a Pudsey colouring competition for 50p. Pupils need to bring in their money in order to collect a colouring sheet from Mr Saban, to then take home and complete before Friday when a winner will be announced. Prizes are on offer! Thanks Mr Saban and school council for organising our annual fundraiser for Children in Need.
Our total now stands at £397 with 22 more days left to collect more for OSFA. Keep going everyone - what a great total so far!
Tues 12th Nov: Y2 Multi-skills competition
Thurs 14th Nov: MHST Workshop - Sensory Processing
and Emotional Regulation 1.30pm
Fri 15th Nov: Children in Need
Fri 22nd Nov: Choir outing to the Opera
Fri 22nd Nov: Y5&Y6 Indoor Athletics league
Thurs 28th Nov: ‘Skip for Fit’ day—all in PE kit please
Fri 6th Dec: Christmas Fair - 2.30pm onwards
Tues 10th Dec: Maple & Holly Class Nativity 1.30pm
Wed 11th Dec: Maple & Holly Class Nativity 1.30pm
Thurs 12th Dec: OAK Class Christmas Dodgeball (PE Kit please)
Tues 17th Dec: WILLOW Class Christmas Dodgeball
Wed 18th Dec: Panto and Christmas Dinner day - Christmas
jumpers too!
Thurs 19th Dec: BEECH Class Christmas Dodgeball
Fri 20th Dec: School finishes for the Christmas holidays.
New dates added each week so please always check this box.
Well done to Cora-Rose in Maple Class, Harley in Holly Class, Millie in Elm Class, Olivia in Willow, Archie in Beech Class and Joseph in Oak who are our stars of the week. They got their certificates for showing great focus and confidence in class, for having a great attitude to their work and being helpful and caring.