
Overton St Helen’s Primary School family news: Issue 1


What a great first few days we have had in school! I said so in my letter to parents on Wednesday, but I will definitely say it again—it has been amazing to see the attitude in which the children have returned, ready for a hard working year in school. A special mention goes to our new Year 6s who have already risen to the expectation of being the oldest in school. They have taken up the whole school responsibilities of hall monitors, worship techies, Reception Class buddies, play leaders, House Captains and everything else with positivity and enthusiasm and I am already impressed. A second special mention goes to the other end of our school and our new Reception group who have completed their first full day in school today. Their enthusiasm is second to none! No doubt there will be some tired bodies this weekend from every part of the school (including the adults) so enjoy the weekend sunshine and I look forward to next Monday for our first full week in school. 


A reminder that each class have their PE lessons on the days de-tailed below and should come to school in PE kits on those days. Our Maple Class children need their PE kits in school at all times but their day is usually Monday. 

Holly: Tuesday and Thursday 

Elm: Wednesday and Thursday 

Willow: Thursday and Friday 

Beech: Monday and Thursday 

Oak:: Tuesday and Wednesday 

We are aware that some pupils take the opportunity of the long holidays to get their ears pierced however healing times can vary and as per our current PE policy which states no ‘earrings’, this can hinder participation in PE lessons. Our standpoint on this issue has always mirrored Lancashire PE teams policy however looking at a revision of their policy we are now changing ours. 

In terms of earrings, if earrings are able to be removed then they must be for PE lessons. If they are newly pierced and need long-er to heal, please put plasters or tape on ears to protect any po-tential injury risk. If any PE activity poses a greater risk to an ear-ring-type injury then children may be asked to sit out for certain parts of the lesson. The individual teacher will decide this. Any questions, please feel free to ask. 


Dates for local high school open evenings are included in the dates section of the newsletter. Pupils of Year 6 and Year 5 are always welcome to visit the high schools on these events. Please be aware that the deadline for online applications for high schools is 31st October. 


Many congratulations to our Year 6s who were named as House Captains for this year; Lily B, Zac, Scarlett, Tom, Aoife, Michael, Thea and Thomas . There’s a pho-to of the lovely lot on Facebook for you all to admire!


On Wednesday 18th September, we will be holding our annual ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening when parents are welcome to come to school to hear short talks from their children's class teacher about the routines in class. Within the hour each of the teachers give their talk twice, giving parents who have children in multiple clas-ses, the chance to hear more than one. The evening will start at 6pm in the school hall and last for about an hour. We hope you can join us.


A letter outlining the various after school clubs on offer this term will be sent home with pupils today. After-school clubs will com-mence week beginning Monday 16th September. 

Week beginning: Mon 9th September
Dinner Week: 1 


Thurs 12th Sep: Swimming starts for Willow Class 

Thurs 12th Sep: Central High open evening 6-8pm 

Tues 17th Sep: Bay Leadership Academy open evening 6-8pm 

Wed 18th Sep: Meet the Teacher evening 6—7pm 

Thurs 19th & 26th Sep: Dallam High open evenings 6-8pm 

Thurs 19th Sep: Morecambe Bay Academy opening evening 5-8pm 

Fri 20th Sep: School Council and Worship Council announced 

Tues 24th Sep: Reception vision screening 

Fri 27th Sep: Harvest Worship led by Worship Council 8.45am 

Fri 27th Sep: MacMillan Coffee Afternoon 1.30pm—3pm 

Tues 8th Oct: Whole School Flu Immunisations 

Thurs 10th Oct: Curious Investigators Performance for KS1 

Fri 18th Oct: School closes for half-term break 

Tues 29th Oct: School re-opens after half-term 

Fri 6th Dec: Christmas Fair 

New dates added each week so please always check this box. 


At the start of our new school year I would like to politely remind parents to take great care when dropping off and picking up at the beginning and end of the school day. I appreciate the issue of parking will never be a simple one at Overton, how-ever the most important thing to remember is the safety of our pupils. Please keep the area in front of school clear, where families cross to enter school and remember not to use the zoned area in front of school designated for school buses. Thank you. 


I am pleased to share with you are very first Stars of the Week. Congratulations to Lily B in Holly Class, Thomas in Elm, Jaxon in Willow, Ellie in Beech Class and Lucas in Oak for making a fabulous start to the school year, returning with an enthusiastic attitude to learning making and great contributions in lessons. Well done!