
Overton St Helen’s Primary School family news: Issue 3

Weekly round up

It’s been fab to see our after school clubs get up and running this week, full of eager pupils giving their time to practising new skills. It was also lovely to see so many parents in attendance at our Meet the Teacher evening on Wednesday. Class letters given out by the teachers on Wednesday will be sent to those parents who couldn’t make it, this afternoon. This morning we have rounded up the week with a brilliant sharing worship, looking at a sample of work from each class on our shared text, Through the Forest (apologies that time ran over a little). But the best bit of our week by far has been welcoming Gus back today, our very handsome therapy dog! The pupils were thrilled to see him. 


Next Friday morning our Worship Council will lead our worship with our annual Harvest service. Donations to our annual collection of tinned and packet food for Morecambe Foodbank can be sent in any time next week, but by Thursday at the latest. Please give generously if you can—thank you in advance. 


Next Friday afternoon, we are hosting our annual coffee afternoon for Macmillan Cancer Care. We are in need of lovely homemade cakes for the event. We also invite you to come and enjoy a cup of coffee and a piece of cake with us from 1.15pm. Our lovely house captains will be serving up the goodies. Please bring donations of cake for the event, next Friday morning. Thank you! 


Thanks to those who have signed up to the Asda Cashpot for Schools initiative - we have over £170 already! There are 71 days until the offer ends so if you are a regular shopper at Asda, don’t forget to collect some points for us! 


Today, pupils will be coming home with a letter explaining the need for some volunteers to help OSFA with the organisation of the Christmas Fair. In short, without some extra volunteers to share the load this year, our beloved Christmas Fair is at risk of not going ahead. If you feel you can help, please come along to a short meeting on Friday 11th October at 1.45pm. Thanks in advance. 


Tues 24th Sep: Reception vision screening 

Thurs 26th Sep: Our Ladies High open evening from 5pm 

Fri 27th Sep: Harvest Worship led by Worship Council 8.45am 

Fri 27th Sep: MacMillan Coffee Afternoon 1.15pm—3pm 

Tues 8th Oct: Whole School Flu Immunisations 

Thurs 10th Oct: Curious Investigators Performance for KS1 

Fri 11th Oct: Christmas Fair Committee meeting 1.45pm 

Tues 15th Oct: OSFA Annual General Meeting 

Fri 18th Oct: School closes for half-term break 

Tues 29th Oct: School re-opens after half-term 

Fri 6th Dec: Christmas Fair (tbc) 

New dates added each week so please always check this box. 


Well done to Jake in Holly Class, Henry in Elm, Shay in Willow, Cara in Beech and Charlie in Oak who are our Stars of the Week, all five of them being given their award for working really hard. This exemplifies the great effort being shown by all at the moment—keep it up everyone!