
Overton St Helen’s Primary School family news: Issue 6

Weekly round up

Wow - what a quick half-term that was! Finished off in style with yesterday evening’s disco and then our Values Award celebration worship this morning, we are all now ready for a week off and a good rest. A big thank you to our choir who this morning performed one of the songs they have been learning in Choir Club. It takes courage to sing in front of a big audi-ence and they did magnificently. If anyone is inspired to join our choir after half-term, we meet each Thursday after school for an hour. I hope you all have a nice Autumn break—don’t forget, school reopens on Tuesday 29th October after the teacher INSET day on Monday 28th. 


Many, many thanks to the small group of parents who came to the Christmas Fair meeting last Friday. I am pleased to re-port that the fair will now go ahead this year, however there is still the need for volunteers on the day. It’s also not too late to volunteer with the organisation of the fair. Just let one of the OSFA committee members know that you are willing to help. 


Yesterday a team of seven took part in a local schools’ football tournament. We won 1, lost 1 and drew 2. More importantly, the team represented the school brilliantly and worked together well. Mr Saban was proud to take them. 


On Thursday morning Jade and the team were in school to meet parents and talk about children's mental health. It was a shame that more parents couldn’t join us for this, however we have put together a programme of further coffee mornings relating to specific areas of support. Our next one will be on Thursday 14th November and will be on Sensory Processing and Emotional Regulation. Please come along as they are very informative, giving parents precious information and in-sight in to child development issues.


Our Asda cash pot now stands at £294.71 which is brilliant! 

If you haven’t already signed up there’s time, with still just over 6 weeks left to the deadline on 30th Nov. Thanks so far. 


After half-term school meals will follow the new menu, sent home with pupils last week. We start back on Week 2. 


Fri 18th Oct: School closes for half-term break 

Tues 29th Oct: School re-opens after half-term 

Thurs 14th Nov: MHST Coffee Morning - Sensory Processing 

and Emotional Regulation (8.45am onwards) 

Fri 6th Dec: Christmas Fair (tbc) 

Lots more dates to come after half-term 


Well done to Charlotte in Holly Class, Noah in Elm, Bobby in Willow, Elise-Marie in Beech and Blubelle in Oak who are our Stars of the Week, for showing a great attitude to-wards their learning, putting in a great effort all half-term, showing a commitment to making improvements and per-severing at tasks. Well done all. 

Congratulations also go to our ‘Koinonia’ Values Awards winners: Joshua for Holly Class, Gracie for Elm, Flynn for Willow Class, Max for Beech, Michael for Oak Class, Ava for Miss Hall’s award and Emma for Mrs Easthope’s. All have shown brilliant teamwork, being encouraging and sup-portive of their classmates in a spirit of fellowship.