Overton St Helen’s Primary School family news: Issue 2
Weekly round up
It’s been another great week in school this week—our first full week back and the energy levels, I am pleased to report, are still high. I have had the pleasure of talking to some of our pupils about the text Through the Forest by Yijing Li, that all classes are studying as our ‘back to school’ unit of work. It is quite obviously a good one as it’s making an impression on us all and I look forward to next Friday when classes will be sharing the range of work they have produced from it.
Next week we step up the pace as our after-school clubs begin. Personally, I am looking forward to the reforming of our choir and getting my sleeves rolled up each Friday, with our crack-squad of gardeners who will be tidying up our planting area and other parts of the school, ready for the next phase of grounds development.
Meet the teacher evening
Don’t forget, next Wednesday is Meet the Teacher Evening at 6pm at school. The evening will begin with a 10 minute intro from me in the school hall and then teachers will give a 15min talk about all the important things parents need to know about their child’s class. Teacher talks will be repeated so that any par-ents who have more than one child at school have the chance to hear from both teachers. The evening will end around 7pm.
ASDA Cashpot for schools
If you are someone who does your grocery shopping at Asda then please be aware of Asda’s ‘Cashpot for Schools’. OSFA have registered our school to be included in the incentive. Quite simply download the app, select Overton St Helen’s and then scan your app each time you pay for your shopping. It’s as easy as that!
Dates for the diary
Tues 17th Sep: Bay Leadership Academy open evening 6-8pm
Wed 18th Sep: Meet the Teacher evening 6—7pm
Thurs 19th & 26th Sep: Dallam High open evenings 6-8pm
Thurs 19th Sep: Morecambe Bay Academy opening eve 5-8pm
Fri 20th Sep: School Council and Worship Council announced
Tues 24th Sep: Reception vision screening
Thurs 26th Sep: Our Ladies High open evening from 5pm
Fri 27th Sep: Harvest Worship led by Worship Council 8.45am
Fri 27th Sep: MacMillan Coffee Afternoon 1.30pm—3pm
Tues 8th Oct: Whole School Flu Immunisations
Thurs 10th Oct: Curious Investigators Performance for KS1
Fri 18th Oct: School closes for half-term break
Tues 29th Oct: School re-opens after half-term
Fri 6th Dec: Christmas Fair
New dates added each week so please always check this box
Well done to Ben in Holly Class, Holly in Elm Class, Betti-na in Willow, Dylan in Beech and Tillie in Oak who are our Stars of the Week of showing politeness, kindness and care to their classmates, for joining in discussions and letting their lights shine!
Today we also named our School Councillors and new Worship Councillors who will also be letting their lights shine over the coming year. Congratulations to Charlotte, Ben, Noah W, Marcie, Athena, Jaxon, Max, Lucy, Oliver, Ashton, Lucas G, Lily B, Scarlett and Tillie who form our School Council for 2024/25. New to our Worship Council this year will be Charles, Orlaith, Tristan and Blubelle who I know will be a great addition to the existing team. Well done all.