
Overton St Helen’s Primary School family news: Issue 7


It has been great to see the children return to school this week after the half-term break. There were a few bleary eyes at the start of the week as we adjusted to the clocks going back last weekend, but I think we are now back up to pace. It’s a long half-term ahead of us—8 week’s in total, with a hive of festive activity to round it off. Many more dates have been add-ed to the ‘Diary Dates’ section below so make sure you make a note of things coming up. I am sure you won’t want to miss a thing! 


We are keeping a close eye on attendance figures this school year in line with the national incentive to build on current lev-els. We plan to dust off our House Attendance trophy at the end of the school year, but at the end of each term we will be working out which of our teams has got the best attendance and each member will receive a small certificate. I’m happy to let you know that at the half-way mark, Clarke (Green) House are out in front.


Yesterday evening Mr Saban took a team of Y3 & Y4 pupils to a football competition. They played a whopping 9 games and hit their target of winning at least one of their matches. For a new team learning to play together they did really well—what’s more, they support-ed each other brilliantly and represented the school in style. Well done! 


Poppies are now available in the school entrance, for a small donation. We have other items available such as slap-bands, zip-tags and keyrings from 50p - £2. All the money goes to the Poppy Appeal.


The Mental Health Team’s workshop for parents on 

Sensory Processing and Emotional Regulation will still take place on Thursday 14th November but at the later time of 1.30pm. We really hope you can join us for this, giving 

parents valuable insight into this area on how you can sup-port your child if they are struggling with managing their own emotions. 


Tues 12th Nov: Y2 Multi-skills competition 

Thurs 14th Nov: MHST Coffee Morning - Sensory Processing 

and Emotional Regulation 1.30pm 

Fri 15th Nov: Children in Need 

Fri 22nd Nov: Choir outing to the Opera 

Fri 22nd Nov: Y5&Y6 Indoor Athletics league 

Thurs 28th Nov: ‘Skip for Fit’ day—all in PE kit please 

Fri 6th Dec: Christmas Fair 

Tues 10th Dec: Maple & Holly Class Nativity 1.30pm 

Wed 11th Dec: Maple & Holly Class Nativity 1.30pm 

Thurs 12th Dec: OAK Class Christmas Dodgeball (PE Kit please) 

Tues 17th Dec: WILLOW Class Christmas Dodgeball 

Wed 18th Dec: Panto and Christmas Dinner day - Christmas 

jumpers too! 

Thurs 19th Dec: BEECH Class Christmas Dodgeball 

Fri 20th Dec: School finishes for the Christmas holidays. 

New dates added each week so please always check this box. 


Well done to Harry in Maple Class, Coby in Holly, Emily F in Elm Class, Elliot in Willow, James in Beech Class and Teddy in Oak who are our stars of the week for working hard, showing brilliant concentration in lessons, for their enthusiastic return to school and being a kind and caring friend. Well done to all.