
Overton St Helen’s Primary School family news: Issue 5

Weekly round up 

We’ve had another busy and hard-working week in school, with only one more to go before the half-term break! Yesterday we had a visit from the Curious Minds STEM roadshow where our youngest pupils in Maple, Holly and Elm Class were treated to am amazing show. It certainly inspired some curious minds in the follow up workshops for Holly and Elm. It was also great to see our Reception Class parents at Mrs Marsland’s phonics workshop. We are planning more phonics workshops this year so keep a look out for more coming your way (year 1 parents too). Next week we have our parents evening where you will have a chance to talk to your child’s teacher about their progress so far—if you haven’t already booked an appoint-ment, please do as these are really valuable points of contact through the school year. We also have our Mental Health coffee morning next Thursday—come and join us to hear more about this valuable service. 


Next Thursday we will be glowing-up the place with OSFA’s Neon-Disco. Lots of tickets have already been bought, but there is still chance to pick up an order form and book a place for your child. It was a great event last year and promises to be the same this year. Neon face paints available from the office for £1.


Next Wednesday we are celebrating Morecambe Bay Day. It’s name will be officially 250 yrs old and what a great opportunity to celebrate it’s beauty and diversity. Part of Morecambe Bay’s amazing community are the charities that work to support the health and safety of all, and so we are pledging to raise £250 to support these. Please send in a small donation on the day—if every pupil brings in £2 we will more than hit the total. Thank you in advance. 


You may have noticed cows on the road this morning, possibly due to field gates being left open. Our farming families have actually noticed more gates being left open and so I thought we could help them out. As a farming community school, lets spread the message to anyone we know about the importance of keeping farmer's gates closed. Thanks.


Come along to our coffee morning from 8.45am (with love-ly breakfast pastries) and meet the Mental Health Support Team. It is a great chance to talk about children’s mental health—an area that together we must all support. 


Tues 15th Oct: OSFA Annual General Meeting 

Wed 16th Oct: Morecambe Bay Day 

Wed 16th Oct: Parents evening meetings - from 2.40pm 

Thurs 17th Oct: Mental Health Coffee Morning - 8.45am 

Thurs 17th Oct: Football tournament (Y5/6 team) 

Thurs 17th Oct: OSFA Neon-Disco! 

Fri 18th Oct: School closes for half-term break 

Tues 29th Oct: School re-opens after half-term 

Fri 6th Dec: Christmas Fair (tbc)

New dates added each week so please always check this box. 


Well done to Evelyn in Holly Class, Amelia in Elm, Rocco in Willow, Ava-Grace in Beech and Alice in Oak Class who were our Stars of the Week. They were noticed especially for their hard-working attitudes, fabulous manners and their eagerness to take part in class discussion. Well done all. Next week is our last celebration worship of the half-term with Values Awards and a special performance by the school choir.