
Oak Class Newsletter Spring 2025

Welcome to Spring Term 2025 in Oak Class. We have a great term ahead with lots of great projects including meeting our Linking School buddies, Bikeability, a Morecambe Bay Curriculum Local Stories Project and also Ukulele lessons. Our Year 5s have their trip to London and the Houses of Parliament to look forward too, which is always a highlight of the year. On top of all that, we have our class learning too. Please see the table below for an overview of our Core subjects.

St Helens Primary 324

Core Subjects




The Classics – The Wizard of Oz

Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet

Maths – White Rose

Fractions, decimals and percentages

Area, perimeter and volume


Properties and changes of material



Jesus: Who was Jesus? Who is Jesus?

The Exodus

The Eucharist

At Overton St. Helen's we work on developing the children's personal skills. Below is a timetable of the resources required for Oak class so your child has a visual reminder of what is required. This will support your child to:

- be more independent

- be ready for each day in school

- be able to access the curriculum

- be confident that they have the resources needed.


Please remind your child that ‘forgetting’ to bring the required resources doesn’t mean they can’t take part in the learning but it does create a bigger barrier that doesn’t need to be there.


The timetable will also be displayed in class so they can check each evening before going home.

Spelling lists start on a Monday and are checked in class on a Friday.

St Helens Primary 402




New spelling list starts – these are in your child’s homework book

Week 1 – week beginning 13/1/25

Week 2 – week beginning 20/1/25

Week 3 – week beginning 27/1/25

Week 4 – week beginning 3/2/25

Week 5 – week beginning 10/2/25


PE kit to be worn

Ukulele to be brought into school


PE kit to be worn 

Ukulele brought home


Homework book to be returned to school

Learning by Questions to be completed by today (online)


Homework book sent home

Learning by Questions work set (online)