
Oak 2024 Autumn Class Newsletter

Dear Parents

Happy New School Year 2024! The new Oak Class have made a great start to the year and we have been working on great behaviour for learning, developing teamwork skills and recognising their own strengths and interests. 

During this Autumn term some topic areas will include: 

English: Fantasy stories – The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie

Maths: Place value, Times tables,

Science: Living Things and their habitats; Evolution and Inheritance

RE: Life is like a journey

Key information

Reading books: Children are expected to bring their reading books into school each day. We have reading sessions throughout the day. It is vital that you hear your children read as often as you possibly can- It really makes a difference and helps them to know how to pronounce new words and develop their understanding of word meaning.

PE: Our current timetabled sessions for PE are Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Children need to come to school wearing their school PE kit including dark coloured shorts or leggings/joggers in the colder months, house coloured PE t-shirt, school jumper.

Forest School: As part of our curriculum, Oak will attend Forest School as regularly as possible. Children will not need a full change of clothes—simply a pair of wellies, some over trousers and a jacket. Please be aware that we will go to Forest School in a variety of weather conditions, therefore the clothes your child wears may get dirty. I will send a text message to remind parents the day before so you know when kit is required.

Homework: Please continue to hear your child read and practise their spellings. Homework will be in homework books on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Thursday. Spelling lists have been sent home with the date for each list specified. We will be checking we know these spellings each Friday. 

I’m sure that this is going to be a really fun year. If you have any questions, please contact school.