
Holly Class News Letter Spring Term 1

Firstly, welcome back from our Christmas break. In this letter we aim to provide you with a few bits of information that you need to know for Holly Class this term. Our topic for this Half term is ‘Animals’ but we will also have a focus on the weather and the 4 seasons. Below is a run down of what we will be studying in the different topic areas.


Spring Term 1




Jesus; Why is Jesus special?


Seasonal and Daily Weather


Programming-moving a robot


Gymnastics, Games-catching and bouncing


Charanga: In the Groove


What helps us stay healthy?


Flora and Fauna (Drawing)


All books will continue to be changed on Tuesday and Friday each week by Mrs Stokes. Books can only be changed if an adult has signed to say they have been finished. Please don’t feel you have to write lots of feedback. The most important thing is that your child is reading often at home. Just your initials is fine! We will continue to listen to the children read as often as possible in class. The children should not struggle too much with their reading at home; they should be practising the reading skills they learn in school and enjoying the stories. 

boy and girl reading


We will continue to work on Phase 5 sounds and common words in Phonics this term. We are really pushing phonics this year and are tracking the children’s progress regularly. Sometimes we will send individualised sound cards home that your child needs practice with. It would be great if you could help your child learn these sounds at home.children crosslegged in classroom


We will continue to use ‘White Rose’ maths resources to help structure sessions and introduce new concepts. Maths lessons will involve lots of visual aids, practical equipment and discussion in order to build on and enhance prior knowledge. This half term we will be concentrating on addition and subtraction and place value. Talking to your child about numbers in every day life will really help them in their understanding. You could also download the free White Rose 1-minute maths app. The children play this in school and it’s a great way for them to learn number facts.

Forest School

We will be visiting forest school this term but not every week. When we do it is likely to be on a Friday. Watch out for the forest school sign in the classroom window and a text from school! The children will need to bring wellies and waterproof trousers and coats – please make sure they are named.3 children collecting pond insects


PE will take place on Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon and children should WEAR their kit in to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Water Bottles

Please can you make sure that your child brings a named water bottle to school every day, this needs to be filled and ready to use. We will be sending them home each afternoon to be ready and washed for the next day.



Homework will consist of a termly menu sheet where the children can choose activities to complete. The activities will be linked to our class topic and will give the children the opportunity to practice the knowledge and skills they are developing in school. These activities can be completed one a week or more if preferred. The aim is to complete all the activities by the end of the Spring Term. Homework will be collected in on a Wednesday each week. On Fridays we will enjoy looking at what the children have been up to at home and then send the folders back home every Friday.

Outdoor Classroom

Before the school day and whilst waiting to collect your children please don’t allow any children to play in our Outdoor Classroom (the colourful fenced area outside our classroom). We will be using this area more and more to deliver lessons as we enter Spring. Although it is outside it is part of our learning space and contains resources that we need to keep safe and organised.

 If you have any questions or queries, the best thing to do is catch the teacher at the beginning or end of the school day. If this is not possible, please feel free to contact us via email:

Thank you for your support. We look forward to working with you throughout the term.

 Mrs Moffat, Miss Morson, Mrs Stokes and Mrs Birkett.