
Holly Autumn 2024 Class Newsletter

Welcome back!

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back from our Summer break. In this letter we aim to provide you with a few bits of information that you need to know for Holly Class this term. Below is a run down of what we will be studying in the different topic areas.


Autumn Term


Everyday Materials


Harvest, Christmas


The 7 continents and 5 oceans, Hot and cold areas of the world


Toys- Changes within living memory


Computing systems-Technology all around us, Creating Media-Digital Painting


Games, Gymnastics, Dance


Charanga, looking at rhythm and pulse.

‘Hey You!’, Rhythm in the Way We Walk’ and ‘Banana Rap’.


What is the same and different about us? Who is special to us?


Drawing- ‘Spirals’


Mechanisms (Sliders and levers)



All books will be changed on Tuesday and Friday every week by Mrs Stokes. Books can only be changed if an adult has signed to say they are finished. Ideally the children should read for about 10 minutes at home every day but please remember any reading is better than none. Just write the pages and your initials in your child’s reading record so we know. Don’t feel you have to write long comments! We will continue to listen to the children read as often as possible in class. The children should not struggle too much with their reading at home; they should be practising the reading skills they learn in school and enjoying the stories.


Most children are now confident in Phase 3/4. In class this term we will move on to Phase 5. Don’t worry if phonics is still a bit confusing and always feel free to ask any questions. Sometimes we may send individual sounds home for your child to practice. These will be sounds we have established your child is finding difficult to remember. It would be great if you could help your child learn these sounds at home.

The National Phonics Screening will take place next June. This is nothing for you or your child to worry about but knowing as many of the sounds they have learnt as possible will help them to feel confident and will obviously improve their reading and writing skills.


We use ‘White Rose’ maths resources to help structure sessions and introduce new concepts. Maths lessons will involve lots of visual aids, practical equipment and discussion in order to build on and enhance prior knowledge. This term we will be concentrating on Place Value within 20, Addition and Subtraction and shape. Talking to your child about numbers in every day life will really help them in their understanding. Money and Time lend themselves really well to everyday situations that you could talk about with your child. 

Forest School

We will be visiting forest school on selected Thursdays. This will not be every Thursday so watch out for the forest school sign in the classroom window and a text from school! The children will need to bring wellies and waterproof trousers and coats – please make sure they are all named.


PE will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays and children should WEAR their kit in to school on both those days.

Water Bottles

Please can you make sure that your child brings a named water bottle to school each day, this needs to be filled and ready to be used. We will be sending them home each afternoon to be ready and washed for the next day. This is especially important during warmer months.


We will be sending a Homework Menu home. The children can choose an activity to complete each week (or at a pace that is best for you and your child). The activities will be linked to our class topic and will give the children the opportunity to practice the knowledge and skills they are developing in school. Homework will be collected in on Wednesday each week. Homework will be checked and the folders will be sent back home every Friday.

If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us via email:

Thank you for your support. We look forward to getting to know you all throughout the year! 

Mrs Moffat, Miss Morson, Mrs Stokes and Mrs Birkett.