Elm Autumn 2024 Newsletter
Dear Parents,
I am so pleased to have been able to welcome everyone into Elm Class and for us to begin our Year 2 journey together. It has been lovely getting to know your children and finding out all about them. They have all settled really well into the class and we are all working hard on making sure Elm Class is an amazing team!
Book bags and Home Reading books
Please ensure reading folders are brought into school every day. Books will be changed on a Tuesday and Friday morning when comments have been written in the home-school diary. To make the children more responsible for their own learning we are asking the children to put their reading book and diary into the ‘book box’. As the length and complexity of books increases, it may be that your child takes longer than a week to complete their book – please write in the reading diary which page they need to read next so we can see how they are progressing with longer books. It is still essential that, as your child’s fluency and stamina increase, you continue to discuss with your child what is happening in the story, predict what will happen next, check understanding of new vocabulary and ask questions about the text. If your child is also reading their own books at home then please also record these in the home-school diary so we can praise them for additional reading at home. Reading folders must be in school every day so we have the opportunity to hear your child read their book and check they are on the appropriate level.
How to support your child at home:
Common exception words
Attached to this letter is a copy of the Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words. Your child needs to be able to read and spell the Year 1 words independently and over this year we will learn the Year 2 words. Once the words have been taught, the children will be expected to spell these words correctly in their writing. It is a great idea to put the words somewhere prominent in the house so you can keep practising how to spell these words with your child.
Phonics and spelling
Phonics is still a very important part of the process in supporting your child to read and write. This will form a larger part of our curriculum this year to ensure they are secure with all the graphemes they need to know before leaving Year 2. In Year 2, we will also focus on spelling rules and patterns. This includes adding -ed, -ing, -est, er to the end of words and making best guesses for unknown words. The children will have their own spelling book which will contain words to focus on each week. These words will be made up of spelling patterns we have covered during the week. Please practice the spelling words with your child – reading and spelling them. Although we won’t do a formal spelling test each week, we will check in on the progress, learning and retention of these focus words. Spelling books will be given out on Wednesdays and sent home again on Fridays.
Times tables
Times tables – we will move onto learning our 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables. Please support your child by continuing to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s both counting on and counting back.
Your child will receive a homework folder containing a termly ‘Homework Menu’. This will include a range of activities that will help to support your child’s learning, encourage further discussion and research at home, or simply provide ideas of fun and engaging tasks to do together at home. Homework folders will be given out on Fridays, and we ask for completed homework to be handed in on Wednesdays. Work completed on paper can be returned in the folder, but any photos, videos or additional work can be emailed to elm@overton-st-helens.lancs.sch.uk. We will spend time each week sharing examples of work.
Our class novel
We really value the importance of reading for enjoyment and learning at Overton St Helen’s. Each term we have a number of books which we will continue to read. We will also have a class novel which we will listen to whenever we get the chance. This helps the children to hear how stories should be read and broadens the range of books they are exposed to with more challenging vocabulary.
Our PE days are WEDNESDAY (outdoor) and THUSRDAY (indoor), children need to come to school in their PE kits. This should consist of their ‘House Colour’ T- Shirt, black/navy shorts or joggers and a sweatshirt. School sweatshirts may also be worn. Please ensure that your child wears suitable trainers and that long hair is tied back. Earrings should be removed where possible – this is always the safest option. If they are still healing, pierced ears should be taped by parents before school on PE days.
Forest School and Outdoor Learning
In Elm Class we hope to spend a lot of time outside! Our focus on animal habitats means that we will be able to get outside and explore habitats and micro-habitats in our outdoor area.
Our Forest School session will be on a Friday (every other week). A text will be sent out the day before a Forest School session as it is essential all children have a kit to wear- all children will join in each session as it isn’t possible to accommodate them within another class. For Forest School sessions, your child will need wellies, waterproof trousers and a waterproof jacket. Forest School kit unfortunately can’t be stored at school and needs to be brought in for each session.
Thank you for your continued support - By working together we can ensure the best outcomes for your child.
Mrs Harding and Mrs Gudgeon